Am I In An Abusive Relationship?

This self paced mini course offers basic concepts to consider as you assess your relationship. No one wants to really see their relationship as abusive, yet we don’t want to ignore reality. This course safely allows you to get more curious as you learn concepts around healthy vs unhealthy. Worksheets are provided to help your awareness around this sensitive yet critical topic. For more information and help in assessing your situation please reach out to Amie Woolsey for a consultation. If you are currently being physically abused, please reach out to someone safe immediately.

Relationship Dynamic Assessment

Understanding Your Lived Experience

Many women either have some idea that there are signs of abuse in their relationship or they at least know that something is definitely way off, but they just don’t often have the vocabulary to accurately define it, making it hard to accept the reality of it. Awareness of your lived experience with destructive behaviors in your relationship is key  to begin the process of healing. The foundation of the healing pyramid starts with truth and honesty, the truth of what you have experienced must be seen by you. The Relationship Dynamic Assessment will help you to evaluate more accurately the specific unhealthy dynamics happening in your relationship. The results will help you to have more clarity around things as they really are.

What Does It Assess?

This assessment walks you through a series of questions specific to 8 domains in your relationship. Each domain will calculate the level of destructive behaviors you have experienced. As the results of the assessment are in and of itself bring incredible awareness and validation to your lived experiences, the careful attunement from me as I guide you through will bring further awareness in areas you have perhaps been stuck in. 

The Following are all the domains in with your Relationship is assessed:









How to access and review the assessment

Book your consultation here: Meet with Amie and let the office know that you are interested in the Assessment. 

Once your session is booked you will receive an email with a video guide from me, on  how to take the assessment as well as the assessment itself. 

At your appointment, I will walk you through your results and help you understand the scoring as it pertains to your individual relationship. You can ask questions, I will help you gain more clarity by going through your answers, you’ll get feedback and gain further awareness and tools that will help you take the next step you feel comfortable with in your healing journey.

In this one-on-one experience, you’ll also be able to navigate personal experiences you have had and get their professional feedback and guidance.

What Keeps Us Stuck?

Check out the following video about the ways that beautiful denial keeps us safe and from wanting to see the reality of these dynamics in our relationship. 

Take Your Relationship Dynamic Assessment along with a 90 minute 1:1 session with me with the link below

Meet with Amie!