
Welcome to a space where HEALING and EMPOWERMENT are no just ideals, but realities that YOU CAN achieve. My name is Amie, and I'm dedicated to guiding individuals through the tumultuous waters of betrayal, abuse, and divorce.

The term 'BETRAYAL TRAUMA' was hardly mainstream when I first grappled with it myself; the word 'abuse' was 'too harsh' for what I endured, so said others around me. Deeply rooted in a religious culture, I didn't see the massive abuse and trauma encircling my life until it was glaringly unavoidable.

After 18 years of marriage, the HEART-WRENCHING decision to divorce was compounded by post-separation abuse, intensifying my symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder to a point where at one point, even my parents struggled to recognize me.

Through my journey, as I began to articulate my experiences, the path to healing became evident. It was time for what I call a 'LIFE-SAVING DIVORCE' EMBRACING my worth and rediscovering trust in myself transformed me, affirming that I am, indeed, of absolute value.

This profound personal transformation drove me to support others facing similar trials. A passion and calling I feel has been given to me, and to which I wholeheartedly accept.
With my PROFESSIONAL training and certifications, including the somatic focused training in BRAINSPOTTING, I’ve had the honor of SUPPORTING hundreds in their own healing journeys. Staying or Leaving.

Whether you're navigating the complexities of trying to salvage your marriage, contemplating divorce, or UNCERTAIN about your next step, I am here to MEET YOU WHERE YOU ARE. My approach leverages effective strategies to support those striving to mend their relationships and guides those uncertain of how to move through a divorce, especially when faced with escalating betrayal and abuse.

I will help you tackle each challenge, empowering YOU to harness YOUR INNATE STRENGTH and wisdom. We move at your pace, one step at a time, in YOUR time. It took monumental support from my loved ones for me to face my reality and take steps—both forward and back—towards myself. This journey towards reclaiming my agency has been both EMPOWERING and FREEING, bringing transformative changes not only in my life but also in the lives of my children. I want the same FOR YOU!

I believe there is HOPE and HEALING for anyone who chooses it. I am eager to show you how to become the CHOOSER in your own life.

Because, YOU CAN!

Let's Get Real About Single Moms and ...


Life as a single mom is nothing short of being a superhero in my opinion!

I felt like one most of the time. I was running kids to all their activities, school, doctors, friends, and the “Hey mom I forgot I need a poster board for school tomorrow” midnight run to the store. I cooked when I was home, still got the laundry done and actually put away most days, and I have fond memories of watching the bachelorette and eating chocolate cake with my girls on the weekends.

Then comes the tidal wave of sheer exhaustion that levels me. I’d go and go until I hit the wall and sometimes that would be in the most random places. My girls thought it was funny and loved to record some of those random crashes. I still love them.

I want you to know you are not alone, I want you to know you are capable and amazing and can do this. I know, you might not believe this right now and that’s ok. I’d love to show you your superpowers and help you keep rocking single motherhood, in all your mess and dead tired crashes- you are doing it exactly as you are supposed to!

The Real Amie Woolsey

Fun Facts About Me

• I'm a HUGE baseball fan- GO REDS!

• I am the oldest child of 7

• I can touch my tongue to the tip of my nose

• If you put raspberries with anything I'll eat it

• I have a baking and pastry arts degree

• I have always loved the outdoors, fishing, backpacking, camping and in the last couple years I have learned to hunt and love it

• Scott says I snore, I think he's lying

• I love the opera

• I enjoy good sarcasm and love to laugh

• Pizza is my favorite food group


Qualifications & Trainings

My Qualifications:

Professional Certified Coach, International Coach Federation (PCC)

Certified Professional Coach, Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (CPC)

Certified Health Coach Wellbeing Dynamics, Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (COR.E)

Energy Leadership Index Master Practitioner, Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (ELI-MP)

Certified Gaslighting Specialist Level 2; Sarah Morales (C-DGS)

Association Of Partners Of Sex Addicts Specialists- Candidate (ASPATS-C)

Brainspotting Phase 1 & 2; Maryia Javid-Payne MSW, LICSW, LADC


Disclosure Guide Training for APSATS Coaches | Dr. Janice Caudill and Dan Drake

Multidimensional Partner Trauma Model | Association of Partners of Sex Addicts Trauma Specialists (APSATS)Betrayal Trauma and Addiction Recovery I  Alana Gordon Director, MFTI, CCPS, CSAT Candidate, Betrayal Trauma Coach, APSATS Trainee

Relationship Dynamic Assessment/ Kimberly Day LMHC, CCPS

Brainspotting Phase 1 Training I Maryia Javid-Payne MSW, LICSW, LADC

Brainspotting Phase 2 Training I Maryia Javid-Payne MSW, LICSW, LADC

Brainspotting Attachment Specialty Training I Jennifer DelaneyShock and Terror: Tracking (Down) Their Persistent Clinical Effects Shock and Terror: Tracking (Down) Their Persistent Clinical Effects Through Deep Brain Reorienting (DBR) I Frank Corrigan, MD

Certified Gaslighting Specialist Level 2; Sarah Morales 

Professional Memberships and Affiliations:

One Safe Space : I am proud to be affiliated with One Safe Space and founder Kimberly Day LMHC, CCPS, in supporting women who are navigating the complexities of relationships that present destructive behaviors in multiple domains in the relationship. It's an honor to contribute to the content as well as co-host of the podcast for members of this community. 

Choose Recovery Service: It's an honor to work alongside founders Alana Gordon MFTI, CCPS, CSAT-C and Luke Gordon ICF-PCC, CPC, APSATS-T in supporting women who are experiencing betrayal trauma and men who are hoping for sexual addiction recovery. Alana Gordon has been my mentor and supervisor since 2019.

Continuing My Education & Trainings:

Certified Divorce Specialist Training | National Association of Divorce Professionals Brainspotting Phase 3 & 4 I David GrandMember of Rocky Mountain Brainspotting Institute I  Regular training around brainspotting techniques to enhance my skill as a practitioner. 

My Qualifications:

Professional Certified Coach, International Coach Federation (PCC)

The Professional Certified Coach (PCC) credential is a prestigious certification awarded by the International Coach Federation (ICF) to coaches who have demonstrated advanced coaching competencies and substantial experience in the field. This certification represents a significant achievement in a coach's professional development.

To attain the PCC credential, candidates must fulfill several rigorous requirements:

-Complete a minimum of 125 hours of coach-specific training

-Accumulate 500 hours of coaching experience, engaging with at least 25 distinct clients

-Receive 10 hours of mentorship from an experienced coach

-Submit recordings of coaching sessions for thorough performance evaluation

-Successfully pass the ICF Coach Knowledge Assessment

The PCC credential signifies a high level of coaching proficiency and a commitment to upholding the ICF's ethical standards. It provides global recognition and enhances credibility within the coaching profession, assuring clients and employers of the coach's expertise and dedication to professional excellence.

This certification serves as a benchmark of quality in the coaching industry, reflecting the holder's advanced skills, extensive experience, and adherence to best practices in coaching.

Certified Professional Coach, Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (CPC)

The Certified Professional Coach (CPC) credential, awarded by the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC), is a distinguished certification that recognizes coaches who have demonstrated a high level of competency and expertise in the field of professional coaching. This certification represents a significant milestone in a coach's career and validates their commitment to professional development and excellence in coaching practices.

To obtain the CPC credential, candidates must successfully complete a comprehensive and rigorous training program that includes:

-Participation in an intensive 320-hour coach training program

-Completion of three face-to-face training weekends

-Engagement in peer coaching sessions and supervised coaching hours

-Mastery of iPEC's Core Energy Coaching™ methodology

-Passing a practical coaching exam and a written exam

The CPC certification signifies that a coach has acquired advanced coaching skills, a deep understanding of coaching methodologies, and the ability to apply these effectively in various coaching scenarios. It also indicates adherence to iPEC's ethical standards and best practices in the coaching profession.

This credential is widely recognized in the coaching industry and serves as a mark of distinction, assuring clients and employers of the coach's proficiency, dedication, and commitment to ongoing professional growth. CPC-certified coaches are equipped with the knowledge and tools to facilitate transformative change and support their clients in achieving personal and professional goals.

The CPC certification from iPEC demonstrates a coach's investment in their professional development and their capability to deliver high-quality coaching services across diverse contexts and client needs.

Certified Health Coach Wellbeing Dynamics, Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (COR.E)

The Certified Health Coach (COR.E) credential, awarded by Wellbeing Dynamics in collaboration with the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC), is a prestigious certification that recognizes professionals who have demonstrated advanced expertise in health and wellness coaching. This specialized credential signifies a coach's proficiency in integrating core energy coaching principles with health and wellness strategies.

To attain the Certified Health Coach (COR.E) credential, candidates must complete a comprehensive training program that typically includes:

-Successful completion of iPEC's core coach training program

-Specialized training in health and wellness coaching methodologies

-In-depth study of the COR.E Dynamics™ system as it applies to health and wellbeing

-Practical application of coaching techniques in health-related scenarios

-Demonstration of proficiency through supervised coaching sessions

-Passing a rigorous examination on health coaching principles and practices

This certification equips coaches with the skills to effectively support clients in achieving their health and wellness goals, addressing areas such as nutrition, fitness, stress management, and overall lifestyle improvement. The COR.E Dynamics™ approach enables coaches to work with clients on a deeper level, addressing the underlying energy and motivations that drive health behaviors.

Certified Health Coaches (COR.E) are recognized for their ability to: *Facilitate sustainable lifestyle changes

*Empower clients to overcome health-related challenges

*Integrate holistic approaches to wellbeing

*Apply evidence-based coaching strategies in health contexts

This credential demonstrates a coach's commitment to excellence in the field of health and wellness coaching, providing clients and employers with assurance of the coach's specialized knowledge and skills. It also signifies adherence to ethical standards and best practices in both coaching and health promotion.

The Certified Health Coach (COR.E) credential represents a significant achievement in a coach's professional development, positioning them as experts in the intersection of coaching and health promotion.

Energy Leadership Index Master Practitioner, Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (ELI-MP)

The Energy Leadership Index Master Practitioner (ELI-MP) credential, awarded by the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC), is a distinguished certification that recognizes coaches who have mastered the application of the Energy Leadership™ framework and assessment tool. This advanced designation signifies expertise in utilizing energy-based coaching methodologies to facilitate transformative change in clients.

To attain the ELI-MP credential, candidates must complete a rigorous training and certification process that typically includes:

-Successful completion of iPEC's core coach training program

-In-depth study of the Energy Leadership™ framework and its applications

-Mastery of the Energy Leadership Index™ assessment tool and interpretation

-Practical experience in administering and debriefing the Energy Leadership Index™ assessment

-Demonstration of proficiency through supervised coaching sessions

-Passing a comprehensive examination on Energy Leadership™ principles and practices

ELI-MP certified coaches are equipped with advanced skills to:

*Assess and interpret clients' energy profiles using the Energy Leadership Index™

*Guide clients in understanding their energetic patterns and their impact on performance and relationships

*Facilitate shifts in energy levels to support personal and professional growth

*Apply energy-based coaching techniques across various coaching contexts

This credential demonstrates a coach's ability to work with clients at a profound level, addressing the core energy that influences thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. ELI-MP coaches are adept at helping clients identify and transcend limiting beliefs and energy-draining patterns, leading to enhanced leadership capabilities and overall life satisfaction.

The ELI-MP certification is highly regarded in the coaching industry, signifying a coach's commitment to advanced professional development and mastery of innovative coaching methodologies. It provides clients and organizations with assurance of the coach's expertise in energy-based coaching approaches and their capacity to deliver transformative results.

Coaches with the ELI-MP credential are positioned as thought leaders in the field of energy-based coaching, equipped to offer unique insights and powerful interventions that can catalyze significant personal and professional growth for their clients.

Certified Gaslighting Specialist Level 2; Sarah Morales (C-DGS)

The Certified Gaslighting Specialist Level 2 (C-DGS) credential, developed by Sarah Morales, is a specialized certification for professionals who have demonstrated advanced expertise in understanding, identifying, and addressing gaslighting behaviors. This credential signifies a high level of proficiency in working with individuals affected by gaslighting and in developing strategies to counter its effects.

To obtain the C-DGS Level 2 certification, candidates typically complete a comprehensive training program that includes:

-In-depth study of gaslighting patterns, tactics, and their psychological impacts

-Advanced training in therapeutic approaches for supporting gaslighting survivors

-Practical application of intervention techniques through case studies and role-playing

-Examination of ethical considerations in working with gaslighting cases

-Completion of supervised clinical hours focusing on gaslighting-related issues

-Passing a rigorous assessment demonstrating mastery of advanced gaslighting intervention strategies

Certified Gaslighting Specialists at Level 2 are equipped to:

*Conduct comprehensive assessments to identify subtle and complex gaslighting dynamics

*Develop tailored treatment plans for individuals and families affected by gaslighting

*Implement advanced therapeutic techniques to support recovery and resilience-building

*Provide expert consultation to other professionals on gaslighting-related cases

*Contribute to public education and awareness about gaslighting and its effects

This credential represents a significant achievement in a professional's career, indicating specialized knowledge and skills in addressing a complex and often misunderstood form of psychological manipulation. It provides clients and employers with assurance of the specialist's advanced capabilities in this niche area of mental health and relationship dynamics.

Holders of the C-DGS Level 2 certification are recognized as leaders in the field of gaslighting intervention, equipped to handle complex cases and contribute to the evolving understanding of this phenomenon in professional and academic contexts.

Association Of Partners Of Sex Addicts Specialists- Candidate (ASPATS-C)

The Association of Partners of Sex Addicts Trauma Specialists - Candidate (APSATS-C) designation is a professional credential for practitioners working towards full certification in the specialized field of treating partners of sex addicts. This credential indicates that the individual is in the process of gaining advanced expertise in addressing the unique challenges faced by partners of individuals struggling with sex addiction.

Key aspects of the APSATS-C designation include:

-Training Focus: Candidates receive specialized training in the APSATS model, which emphasizes a trauma-informed approach to treating partners of sex addicts.

-Supervision: Candidates work under supervision, gaining practical experience in applying the APSATS model to client cases.

-Continuing Education: Ongoing learning in areas related to sex addiction, partner trauma, and related therapeutic approaches.

-Ethical Standards: Adherence to APSATS ethical guidelines and best practices in treating partners of sex addicts.

-Progress Towards Certification: The 'Candidate' status indicates that the individual is actively working towards full APSATS certification.

Professionals with the APSATS-C designation are equipped to:

*Provide specialized support to partners of sex addicts

*Apply trauma-informed interventions tailored to the needs of this specific client group

*Work within a recognized framework for treating partner trauma related to sex addiction

*Collaborate with other professionals in the field of sex addiction treatment

This credential demonstrates a practitioner's commitment to developing expertise in a highly specialized area of mental health and relationship counseling. It provides clients with assurance that the professional is actively engaged in advanced training and supervised practice in treating partner trauma related to sex addiction.

The APSATS-C status is an important step towards full certification, reflecting the practitioner's dedication to professional growth and specialized skill development in this complex field of therapy.

Brainspotting Phase 1 & 2; Maryia Javid-Payne MSW, LICSW, LADC

The Brainspotting Phase 1 & 2 certification, as offered by Maryia Javid-Payne MSW, LICSW, LADC, represents advanced training in a specialized psychotherapy approach. Brainspotting is a therapeutic technique designed to help people process deep-rooted traumas and emotions. Here's a professional overview of this certification:

Brainspotting Phase 1 & 2 Certification:

This credential indicates that the practitioner has completed comprehensive training in the foundational and advanced techniques of Brainspotting therapy. The training typically includes:

Phase 1 (Foundational):

-Introduction to the neurobiological basis of Brainspotting

-Core techniques of identifying and utilizing Brainspots

-Practice in setting up and conducting basic Brainspotting sessions

Phase 2 (Advanced):

-Advanced Brainspotting techniques and interventions

-Integration with other therapeutic modalities

-Complex case conceptualization using Brainspotting principles

Key components of the certification process:

-Intensive training sessions led by certified Brainspotting trainers

-Practical demonstrations and supervised practice sessions

-In-depth study of the theoretical foundations of Brainspotting

-Exploration of applications in various clinical contexts

Practitioners with this certification are equipped to:

-Utilize Brainspotting techniques to address trauma, anxiety, depression, and other psychological issues

-Integrate Brainspotting with their existing therapeutic approaches

- Apply advanced Brainspotting interventions for complex cases

This certification demonstrates a practitioner is commitment to expanding their toolkit with an innovative, brain-based approach to healing. It signifies proficiency in a method that aims to access deeper levels of the brain's processing abilities to facilitate healing and personal growth.


Disclosure Guide Training for APSATS Coaches | Dr. Janice Caudill and Dan Drake

The Disclosure Guide Training for APSATS Coaches, developed by Dr. Janice Caudill and Dan Drake, is a specialized certification program designed for coaches working with partners of sex addicts. This training focuses on guiding coaches through the complex process of disclosure in cases of sex addiction. Here's a professional overview of this certification:

Disclosure Guide Training for APSATS Coaches:

This credential indicates that the coach has received specialized training in facilitating the disclosure process within the context of sex addiction treatment. The training typically covers:

1. Theoretical Framework:

- Understanding the importance of disclosure in sex addiction recovery

- APSATS (Association of Partners of Sex Addicts Trauma Specialists) model application to disclosure

2. Practical Skills:

- Techniques for preparing both the addict and partner for disclosure

- Strategies for managing the emotional impact of disclosure on all parties

3. Ethical Considerations:

- Navigating the complexities of confidentiality and transparency

- Addressing potential risks and safety concerns in the disclosure process

4. Post-Disclosure Support:

- Methods for providing ongoing support to both partners after disclosure

- Integration of disclosure outcomes into the broader recovery process

Key components of the training:

- In-depth study of disclosure protocols and best practices

- Case studies and role-playing exercises

- Exploration of common challenges and solutions in the disclosure process

- Guidance on collaborating with other professionals (therapists, counselors) during disclosure

Coaches with this certification are equipped to:

- Facilitate structured and controlled disclosure sessions

- Provide emotional support and guidance to both partners throughout the process

- Help clients navigate the complex emotions and relational dynamics post-disclosure

- Integrate disclosure work into a comprehensive recovery plan

This specialized training demonstrates a coach's commitment to developing expertise in a critical aspect of sex addiction recovery. It signifies proficiency in managing one of the most challenging and potentially volatile phases of the recovery process for couples affected by sex addiction.

Multidimensional Partner Trauma Model | Association of Partners of Sex Addicts Trauma Specialists (APSATS)Betrayal Trauma and Addiction Recovery I  Alana Gordon Director, MFTI, CCPS, CSAT Candidate, Betrayal Trauma Coach, APSATS Trainee

The Multidimensional Partner Trauma Model (MPTM) certification from the Association of Partners of Sex Addicts Trauma Specialists (APSATS), with a focus on Betrayal Trauma and Addiction Recovery, represents a specialized credential for professionals working with partners of individuals struggling with sex addiction. This certification, as taught by Alana Gordon, indicates advanced training in addressing the complex trauma experienced by partners of sex addicts. Here's a professional overview of this certification:

Multidimensional Partner Trauma Model Certification:

This credential signifies that the practitioner has received comprehensive training in the APSATS model, specifically tailored to address betrayal trauma in the context of sex addiction. Key components include:

1. Theoretical Framework:

- In-depth understanding of the MPTM and its application to betrayal trauma

- Integration of trauma-informed approaches with addiction recovery principles

2. Clinical Skills:

- Advanced techniques for assessing and treating partner trauma

- Strategies for supporting partners through various stages of discovery and recovery

3. Addiction Dynamics:

- Understanding the interplay between sex addiction and partner trauma

- Approaches to addressing co-occurring issues in couples affected by sex addiction

4. Therapeutic Interventions:

- Specialized interventions designed for partners experiencing betrayal trauma

- Tools for facilitating healing and rebuilding trust in relationships

Key aspects of the training:

- Intensive study of the MPTM model and its clinical applications

- Case conceptualization and treatment planning for complex scenarios

- Ethical considerations in working with partners of sex addicts

- Supervised practice and peer consultation

Practitioners with this certification are equipped to:

- Provide trauma-informed care to partners of sex addicts

- Implement specialized interventions tailored to betrayal trauma

- Navigate the complexities of addiction recovery within a relational context

- Offer comprehensive support throughout the recovery process for both individuals and couples

This certification demonstrates a practitioner's dedication to addressing the unique needs of partners affected by sex addiction and betrayal trauma. It signifies a high level of specialization and expertise in this complex area of mental health and relationship therapy.

Relationship Dynamic Assessment/ Kimberly Day LMHC, CCPS

The Relationship Dynamic Assessment certification, developed by Kimberly Day, LMHC, CCPS, is a specialized credential for mental health professionals focusing on evaluating and addressing complex relationship dynamics. This certification indicates advanced training in assessing and intervening in various aspects of interpersonal relationships. Here's a professional overview of this certification:

Relationship Dynamic Assessment Certification:

This credential signifies that the practitioner has received specialized training in a comprehensive approach to analyzing and addressing relationship dynamics.

Key components of this certification typically include:

1. Assessment Framework:

- Advanced techniques for evaluating relationship patterns and interactions

- Tools for identifying underlying issues affecting relationship health

2. Theoretical Foundations:

- Integration of various psychological theories relevant to relationship dynamics

- Understanding of attachment styles and their impact on relationships

3. Intervention Strategies:

- Specialized techniques for addressing dysfunctional relationship patterns

- Methods for improving communication and emotional connection between partners

4. Clinical Application:

- Practical skills in conducting relationship assessments

- Development of tailored intervention plans based on assessment findings

Key aspects of the training:

- In-depth study of relationship assessment methodologies

- Case studies and practical exercises in relationship dynamic analysis

- Exploration of cultural and individual factors influencing relationship dynamics

- Ethical considerations in relationship assessment and intervention

Practitioners with this certification are equipped to:

- Conduct comprehensive assessments of relationship dynamics

- Identify core issues and patterns affecting relationship functioning

- Develop targeted intervention strategies to improve relationship health

- Provide evidence-based guidance for couples and individuals seeking to enhance their relationships

This certification demonstrates a practitioner's commitment to developing expertise in understanding and addressing complex relationship issues. It signifies proficiency in utilizing advanced assessment tools and intervention strategies to support healthy relationship functioning.

Brainspotting Phase 1 Training I Maryia Javid-Payne MSW, LICSW, LADC

Brainspotting Phase 2 Training I Maryia Javid-Payne MSW, LICSW, LADC

Brainspotting Phase 1 and Phase 2 Training, as offered by Maryia Javid-Payne MSW, LICSW, LADC, represents comprehensive instruction in this innovative psychotherapeutic approach. Here's a professional overview of each phase:

Brainspotting Phase 1 Training:

This foundational training introduces practitioners to the core principles and techniques of Brainspotting. Key components typically include:

1. Theoretical Framework:

- Neurobiological basis of Brainspotting

- Understanding the brain-body connection in trauma processing

2. Core Techniques:

- Identifying and utilizing Brainspots

- Set-up and conduct of basic Brainspotting sessions

3. Clinical Applications:

- Introduction to using Brainspotting for various psychological issues

- Integration with other therapeutic modalities

4. Practical Skills:

- Hands-on practice of Brainspotting techniques

- Observation and analysis of Brainspotting demonstrations

Brainspotting Phase 2 Training:

This advanced training builds upon the foundation laid in Phase 1, offering more complex techniques and broader applications. Key components typically include:

1. Advanced Techniques:

- Expansion of Brainspotting methods and interventions

- Refinement of skills in identifying and working with Brainspots

2. Complex Case Conceptualization:

- Applying Brainspotting to more challenging clinical scenarios

- Addressing multi-layered trauma and complex PTSD

3. Integration and Expansion:

- Further integration with other therapeutic approaches

- Exploration of Brainspotting in various clinical contexts

4. Advanced Clinical Applications:

- Utilizing Brainspotting for performance enhancement and creativity

- Addressing somatic issues through Brainspotting

Both phases of training typically involve:

- Intensive instruction led by certified Brainspotting trainers

- Practical demonstrations and supervised practice sessions

- In-depth discussions of case studies and clinical applications

- Exploration of the latest research and developments in Brainspotting

Practitioners who complete both phases are equipped to:

- Apply Brainspotting techniques across a wide range of psychological issues

- Integrate Brainspotting effectively with their existing therapeutic approaches

- Utilize advanced Brainspotting interventions for complex cases

These certifications demonstrate a therapist's commitment to mastering an innovative, brain-based approach to healing. They signify proficiency in a method that aims to access deeper levels of the brain's processing abilities to facilitate healing and personal growth.

Maryia Javid-Payne's credentials (MSW, LICSW, LADC) indicate her background as a licensed clinical social worker and addiction counselor, which likely informs her approach to teaching Brainspotting.

Brainspotting Attachment Specialty Training | Jennifer Delany

The Brainspotting Attachment Specialty Training, developed by Jennifer Delany, is an advanced course that combines the innovative Brainspotting technique with attachment theory and interventions.

Here's a professional overview of this specialized training:

Brainspotting Attachment Specialty Training:

This advanced training is designed for practitioners who have completed basic Brainspotting training and are looking to deepen their skills in addressing attachment-related issues.

Key components typically include:

1. Theoretical Integration:

- In-depth exploration of attachment theory and its neurobiological underpinnings

- Understanding the intersection of Brainspotting and attachment processes

2. Advanced Brainspotting Techniques:

- Specialized Brainspotting interventions for attachment-related trauma

- Methods for identifying and working with attachment-specific Brainspots

3. Attachment Assessment:

- Tools and techniques for assessing attachment styles and patterns

- Integration of attachment assessment with Brainspotting practice

4. Clinical Applications:

- Addressing various attachment disorders and relational trauma

- Utilizing Brainspotting to enhance attachment security and repair

5. Developmental Considerations:

- Understanding the impact of early attachment experiences on brain development

- Tailoring interventions to address developmental trauma

6. Relational Dynamics:

- Exploring the therapist-client relationship through an attachment lens

- Techniques for managing transference and countertransference in Brainspotting sessions

Key aspects of the training:

- Case studies and practical exercises focused on attachment-related issues

- Experiential components to deepen understanding of attachment processes

- Supervision and consultation on complex attachment cases

- Integration of latest research in attachment neurobiology

Practitioners who complete this training are equipped to:

- Apply Brainspotting techniques specifically to attachment-related issues

- Conduct attachment-informed assessments within a Brainspotting framework

- Utilize advanced interventions for complex relational trauma

- Enhance therapeutic relationships through attachment-aware practices

This specialized training demonstrates a practitioner's commitment to addressing the crucial role of attachment in psychological well-being. It signifies advanced proficiency in combining Brainspotting's neurobiological approach with attachment-based interventions.

Shock and Terror: Tracking Down Their Persistent Clinical Effects Through Deep Brain Reorienting (DBR) | Frank Corrigan, MD

The training "Shock and Terror: Tracking Down Their Persistent Clinical Effects Through Deep Brain Reorienting (DBR)" developed by Dr. Frank Corrigan, MD, represents an advanced and specialized approach to addressing severe trauma.

Here's a professional overview of this training:

Key Components:

1. Theoretical Framework:

- In-depth exploration of the neurobiological impacts of shock and terror on the brain

- Understanding of the persistent effects of extreme trauma on brain functioning and behavior

2. Deep Brain Reorienting (DBR) Methodology:

- Advanced techniques for accessing and modulating deep brain processes affected by severe trauma

- Integration of DBR principles with the specific challenges of shock and terror-induced trauma

3. Assessment Techniques:

- Specialized methods for identifying subtle, long-lasting effects of shock and terror

- Tools for differentiating between various trauma-related disorders stemming from extreme experiences

4. Clinical Interventions:

- DBR-based therapeutic approaches tailored for addressing deep-seated trauma effects

- Techniques for safely navigating and processing intense traumatic memories related to shock and terror

5. Neurobiological Considerations:

- Detailed examination of how shock and terror specifically affect brainstem and midbrain functions

- Application of neuroscience-informed DBR approaches in treatment

6. Long-Term Effects:

- Focus on understanding and addressing the chronic and often hidden impacts of severe trauma

- Strategies for using DBR to target persistent symptoms of shock and terror

7. Integration with Other Modalities:

- Approaches to combining DBR with other trauma-informed therapies for comprehensive treatment

- Enhancing existing PTSD and complex trauma treatments with DBR principles

Practitioners completing this training are likely equipped to:

- Conduct thorough assessments of complex trauma presentations specifically related to shock and terror

- Implement specialized DBR interventions for clients with persistent symptoms from extreme traumatic experiences

- Navigate the challenges of working with severely traumatized individuals using a neurobiology-informed approach

- Apply a deep understanding of the brain's response to extreme trauma in treatment planning and execution

This training represents a highly specialized level of expertise in trauma therapy, focusing on some of the most challenging aspects of trauma work. It demonstrates a commitment to addressing the most severe and persistent effects of traumatic experiences through an innovative, neurobiologically-grounded approach.

Certified Gaslighting Specialist Level 2; Sarah Morales 

As a Certified Gaslighting Specialist Level 2 Amie has completed advanced training in recognizing and addressing gaslighting behaviors, a form of psychological manipulation that can be incredibly damaging to individuals and relationships.

Practicioners are equipped to identify subtle signs of gaslighting, even when it's hidden behind charming or convincing words.

Key aspects of the training:

-Develop effective strategies to protect herself and others from gaslighting manipulation

-Support and empower victims of gaslighting, helping them regain their confidence and trust in their own perceptions

-Understand the legal and ethical implications of gaslighting in various contexts, ensuring she can navigate complex situations with sensitivity and expertise.

Certified Gaslighting Specialists at Level 2 are equipped to:

*Conduct comprehensive assessments to identify subtle and complex gaslighting dynamics

*Develop tailored treatment plans for individuals and families affected by gaslighting

*Implement advanced therapeutic techniques to support recovery and resilience-building

*Provide expert consultation to other professionals on gaslighting-related cases *Contribute to public education and awareness about gaslighting and its effects

Professional Memberships and Affiliations:

One Safe Space

I am proud to be affiliated with One Safe Space and founder Kimberly Day LMHC, CCPS, in supporting women who are navigating the complexities of relationships that present destructive behaviors in multiple domains in the relationship. It's an honor to contribute to the content as well as co-host of the podcast for members of this community. 

Choose Recovery Service

It's an honor to work alongside founders Alana Gordon MFTI, CCPS, CSAT-C and Luke Gordon ICF-PCC, CPC, APSATS-T in supporting women who are experiencing betrayal trauma and men who are hoping for sexual addiction recovery. Alana Gordon has been my mentor and supervisor since 2019.

Continuing My Education & Trainings:

Certified Divorce Specialist Training | National Association of Divorce Professionals Brainspotting Phase 3 & 4 I David GrandMember of Rocky Mountain Brainspotting Institute I  Regular training around brainspotting techniques to enhance my skill as a practitioner.